Season Information
North Brisbane Polo Bears was formed in 1996 and continues today as a family orientated, friendly club based on the north side of Brisbane. Polo Bears are proudly affiliated with the Qld Breakers National League Water Polo Club and U25/Open Competition.
The club offers Junior Competition for U12 – U20 open age groups and Senior Competition. We also offer an U12 Competition/Clinic, which are held on Sundays.
Players are offered the opportunity to be involved in club, State and National competitions. Our club has seen individual players go on to great success at national and international levels.
The season has 2 rounds – Round 1 from 7th Oct to 28th Nov 2017; Round 2 from 27th Jan to 3rd Mar 2018. Then 2 weeks of semis and finals.
All Junior games are played on Saturdays.
Game day pool venues include Valley Pool, Somerville, Stuartholme, All Hallow’s School and St Rita’s School. Brisbane Water Polo has supplied a draft program (at the end of this notice) which is subject to changes. The draw for the season will be available prior to the first games.
North Brisbane Polo Bears fees include all training sessions. There is no equipment to buy. Uniforms are recommended but not compulsory. Game day entry to the pools for players is also included; however, spectators may be charged entry.
SEASON FEES 2017/2018
Season fees include pool entry for players and spectators to all training sessions & pool entry for players on game day.
Junior Member U13s to U18s – game plus 2 training per week | $120.00 | $380.00 |
Junior Member U12s - game plus one training per week | $120.00 | $230.00 |
Senior Member born 1999 or older playing U20s Saturday comp | $155.00 | $380.00 |
Senior Member Born 1999 or older playing Season A & B | $155.00 | $135.00 |
2nd Club – Registration paid to another club and Polo Bears is not your Primary Club (Confirmation of WPQ payment required) | $0.00 | $380.00 |
U12 Clinic & Competition (4 or 5 week block) – Born 2006 and later | $30.00 | $20.00 |
Second Game - Please let the registrar know at Sign on if you would like to be considered for an extra game on Saturday in an older age group. | $0.00 | $200.00 |
Our registration includes all insurances and affiliations, all training sessions and the supply of equipment needed, e.g. caps and balls. Season fees include pool entry for players and spectators to all training sessions.
Polo Bears are proudly affiliated with the
Qld Breakers National League Teams
