Winter Comp Registration
For our new and returning players who are not currently registered please follow the link below:
This link will lead you to the Registration page via the Revolutionise platform. Please follow the prompts and choose:
New and Returning Players (not yet registered):
+ "Register as a Member"
+ Choose "Renew" (players who have played and/or trained with the Polo Bears in one of our clinics) or "Register"(players who have never registered before or are transferring from
another club"
+ Under Registration Type please choose "Youth Metro - $127"
+ Under the Add On heading please check the box "Winter Competition 2019 - $100"
+ Please complete all other relevant details.
+ The last page will be payment. Please not there is a small additional nominal charge associated with this site.
New and Returning Players (already registered recently)
+ If you have already registered in the last two days could you please deposit an additional $100 into the Polo Bears nominated account below. With reference
BSB: 124-001
Account: 10401503
Reference: (Surname)u16WintComp
Amount: $100.00
If you have any additional questions or concerns please make sure to email or phone me. More than happy to help out.